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12 servings

Walnut almond dacquoise

  • 350 gr. egg whites (10)
  • 180 gr. white sugar
  • 100 gr. walnut
  • 100 gr. almond
  • 40 gr. all purpose flour
  • 5 gr. lemon juice

Vanilla mousseline

  • 280 gr. butter
  • 250 gr. whole milk
  • 150 gr. egg yolks (10)
  • 120 gr. vanilla or white sugar
  • 60 gr. all purpose flour
  • 30 gr. Amareto or almond liqueur
  • 20 gr. corn flour
  • 5 gr. vanilla
  • 2 gr. gelatine

Fondant glaze

  • 200 gr. powdered sugar
  • 20 gr. water
  • 10 gr. lemon juice
  • 10 gr. Amareto or almond liqueur
  • 5 gr. cocoa powder


  • 100 gr. chopped almonds
  • 70 gr. apricot jam
vanilla-8 walnut-4
Welcome to La Pâtisserie du Monde!
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¡Bienvenido/a a La Pâtisserie du Monde!
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Prep. time
1h 10m
  1. Walnut almond dacquoise
    • 350 gr. egg whites (10)
    • 180 gr. white sugar
    • 100 gr. walnut
    • 100 gr. almond
    • 40 gr. all purpose flour
    • 5 gr. lemon juice

    • Place the walnuts and almonds on a baking tray and bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 150º C.
    • Allow them to cool to room temperature and then process them to obtain a texture similar to sand or crushed biscuits.
    • Meanwhile, in a bowl, beat the egg whites with a third of the sugar and the lemon juice until frothy, then gradually add the rest of the sugar until stiff peaks form, for about 10 minutes.
    • When beating egg whites or cream, it is advisable to start at a very low speed, in this way we incorporate the air little by little, resulting in a small bubble, which is more stable and lasting (if we beat hard from the beginning we would be incorporating air too fast and the bubble would be bigger). Next, add the sugar a little at a time and gradually increase the speed.
    • Next, sift the flour and add it to the previous mixture with a spatula in encircling movements, taking care not to deflate the meringue too much.
    • Now, add the crushed walnuts and almonds and incorporate them in the same way as the flour until you have a homogeneous dough.
    • On baking paper, draw four circles of 26 cm in diameter and turn them over.
    • Transfer the mixture into a piping bag with a smooth 1 cm diameter nozzle and pipe it in a sperial shape, from the centre outwards, into each of the circles.
    • Finally, bake each of the dough discs separately for 10 minutes at 190° C with heat from top to bottom.
    • Then remove from the oven, leave to cool on a wire rack and store in a cool, dry place.
  2. Vanilla mousseline
    • 280 gr. butter
    • 250 gr. whole milk
    • 150 gr. egg yolks (10)
    • 120 gr. vanilla or white sugar
    • 60 gr. all purpose flour
    • 30 gr. Amareto or almond liqueur
    • 20 gr. corn flour
    • 5 gr. vanilla
    • 2 gr. gelatine

    • First, hydrate the gelatine in cold water for about 10 minutes.
    • Heat the milk and vanilla in a saucepan over medium heat until it comes to the boil.
    • Meanwhile, in a bowl, mix the egg yolks, the two flours, the sugar and the Amaretto with the help of a whisk until there are no lumps.
    • When the milk is about to boil, pour it in a trickle over the previous mixture and, stirring constantly with the whisk, mix it in.
    • Then return the mixture to the saucepan and cook over a medium heat for a few minutes until it thickens.
    • Add the gelatine, integrate and transfer the cream to a bowl and cover with cling film. Leave to cool to room temperature completely.
    • Meanwhile, take the butter out of the fridge, cut it into cubes of about 1 cm on each side and leave it to cool for a while until it softens.
    • Then, beat the pastry cream for a few seconds and start adding the butter a few at a time without stopping beating. Beat until we obtain a homogeneous, smooth and shiny cream for about 10 minutes.
    • Set aside.
  3. Fondant glaze
    • 200 gr. powdered sugar
    • 20 gr. water
    • 10 gr. lemon juice
    • 10 gr. Amareto or almond liqueur
    • 5 gr. cocoa powder

    • In a bowl, mix the icing sugar together with the lemon juice and the Amaretto with the help of a whisk until it is completely integrated.
    • From this point, add the water and add it to the mixture a little at a time to try to achieve a consistency similar to a thick condensed milk.
    • Then, separate about 40 grams and mix it with the cocoa powder in another bowl or cup. Add a few drops of water if necessary to match the consistency of the other mixture.
    • Transfer each of the mixtures to a piping bag without nozzle and set aside until use.
  4. Assembly
    • 100 gr. chopped almonds
    • 70 gr. apricot jam

    • Start by cutting the edges of the daquoise discs using a springform pan or a 24 cm diameter plate.
    • We can dispense with the mould during the assembly of the cake but it will be easier to stack the different layers of the cake straight with it.
    • Next, place a disc of daquoise inside the mould and pour a layer of vanilla muslin over it in a spiral pattern, from the inside outwards.
    • Repeat the previous step until you have three layers of daquoise and three layers of muslin.
    • Then place the fourth and last disc of daquoise and spread the apricot jam on top.
    • Now refrigerate the cake for 1 hour.
    • When the cake has cooled and the cream has taken on some body, take it out of the fridge, unmould it and apply a thin layer of muslin on the side, smoothing it out with a spatula.
    • Then, make a cut at the tip of the piping bag leaving a 2 mm thick opening and pour the white fondant icing in a spiral shape.
    • Next, make a cut in the same way as the previous one in the piping bag with the chocolate fondant and pour some straight lines from side to side of the cake leaving a 2 cm separation.
    • Now, with a toothpick or the blunt side of a knife, make lines in the same way but perpendicular to the chocolate fondant and alternating the direction of the lines. In this way we will get the characteristic pattern of this cake.
    • Finally, toast the chopped almonds and when they have cooled, apply a layer on the sides.
    • Keep in the fridge until ready to eat and leave at room temperature for 15 minutes before serving.
    Walnut almond dacquoise
  • 350 gr. egg whites (10)
  • 180 gr. white sugar
  • 100 gr. walnut
  • 100 gr. almond
  • 40 gr. all purpose flour
  • 5 gr. lemon juice
    Vanilla mousseline
  • 280 gr. butter
  • 250 gr. whole milk
  • 150 gr. egg yolks (10)
  • 120 gr. vanilla or white sugar
  • 60 gr. all purpose flour
  • 30 gr. Amareto or almond liqueur
  • 20 gr. corn flour
  • 5 gr. vanilla
  • 2 gr. gelatine
    Fondant glaze
  • 200 gr. powdered sugar
  • 20 gr. water
  • 10 gr. lemon juice
  • 10 gr. Amareto or almond liqueur
  • 5 gr. cocoa powder
  • 100 gr. chopped almonds
  • 70 gr. apricot jam