Welcome to La Pâtisserie du Monde!
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¡Bienvenido/a a La Pâtisserie du Monde!
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12 servings

Hazelnut financier

  • 185 gr. egg whites (5)
  • 150 gr. hazelnuts
  • 150 gr. butter
  • 60 gr. all purpose flour
  • 50 gr. white sugar
  • 50 gr. cane or brown sugar
  • 3 gr. salt

Hazelnut namelaka

  • 400 gr. heavy cream (35% fat)
  • 200 gr. white chocolate
  • 200 gr. hazelnut milk
  • 150 gr. hazelnut
  • 10 gr. glucose
  • 6 gr. gelatinee

Apple filling

  • 400 gr. Grand Smith apples (4)
  • 100 gr. apple jam (optional)
  • 60 gr. white sugar
  • 2 gr. vanilla
  • 2 gr. cinamon

Puff pastry and roasted apples

  • 260 gr. butter puff pastry
  • 200 gr. apples (1-2)
  • 40 gr. butter
  • 2 gr. vanilla
  • 2 gr. cinamon
apple-3 hazelnut-6
Welcome to La Pâtisserie du Monde!
Browse in the English version
¡Bienvenido/a a La Pâtisserie du Monde!
Navegar en la versión en Español
Prep. time
  1. Hazelnut financier
    • 185 gr. egg whites (5)
    • 150 gr. hazelnuts
    • 150 gr. butter
    • 60 gr. all purpose flour
    • 50 gr. white sugar
    • 50 gr. cane or brown sugar
    • 3 gr. salt

    • Place the hazelnuts on a tray and roast them for 15 minutes at 150º C.
    • Meanwhile, in a saucepan, melt and cook butter at medium heat until it gets slightly brown and all water in it has completely disappeared. This is called brown butter or beurre noisette Keep at room temperature until ready to use.
    • In a food processor, crush roasted hazelnut just until they turn into an homogenous meal.
    • In a bowl, mix hazelnut meal, flour, the two sugars, egg whites and salt.
    • Then, in a thin stream incorporate the room temperature brown butter into the previous batter constantly whisking.
    • Transfer the mixture into a 22 cm x 22 cm square mould and bake for 25 minutes at 180º C.
  2. Hazelnut namelaka
    • 400 gr. heavy cream (35% fat)
    • 200 gr. white chocolate
    • 200 gr. hazelnut milk
    • 150 gr. hazelnut
    • 10 gr. glucose
    • 6 gr. gelatinee

    • Firstly, soak gelatine in cold water for at least 10 minutes.
    • On an oven tray, place hazelnuts and roast them for 15 minutes at 150º C.
    • In the meantime, in a saucepan, bring milk and glucose to a boil. Turn the heat off and add the hydrated gelatine.
    • Then, in a bowl, pour the hot milk into the melted white chocolate and stir thouroughly.
    • Later, process roasted hazelnut with the aid of a food processor until they turn into a liquidish paste. Now, add it to our previous mixture and integrate well.
    • Last but not least, add the chilled heave cream and blend it all together with a hand blender till you get a homogenous, shiny cream.
    • Trasnfer to a recipient and cover in contact with plastic wrap. Keep refrigerated until ready to use for at least 6 hours, ideally all night.
  3. Apple filling
    • 400 gr. Grand Smith apples (4)
    • 100 gr. apple jam (optional)
    • 60 gr. white sugar
    • 2 gr. vanilla
    • 2 gr. cinamon

    • First of all, peel, core and cut apples into 5 mm thick dices.
    • On a skillet, place our dices apples with sugar, vanilla and cinnamon and cook at medium heat until water from apples has been released and they get slightly caramelized, for around unos 15 minutes.
    • Right after, transfer into a recipient, add the apple jam and mix.
    • Keep at room temperature until ready to use.
  4. Puff pastry and roasted apples
    • 260 gr. butter puff pastry
    • 200 gr. apples (1-2)
    • 40 gr. butter
    • 2 gr. vanilla
    • 2 gr. cinamon

    • In a saucepan, melt butter alongside cinnamon and vanilla. Set aside.
    • On an oven tray lined with paper, place the puff pastry sheet and cut it into a square with the help of our 22 cm x 22 cm mould.
    • Then, spread all over the puff pastry our apple filling.
    • Later, peel, core and laminate apples into 2 mm thick slices. I trim the round edges of the apples so my slices are rectangles. Unleash your inner artist at this point!.
    • Right after, place the apple slices on top of the apple filling and brush with the melted cinnamon vanilla flavored butter.
    • Lastly, bake for 50 minutes at 180º C and keep at room temperature.
  5. Assembly

    • First, trim the top of our hazelnut financier so we end up with a flat even cake.
    • Now, transfer the namelaka cream into a pipping bag with a flat 2 cm diameter nozzle and pipe out some buttons over the hazelnut financier.
    • Then, trim the excess of our puff pastry sheet so we end up with a 22 cm x 22 cm square sheet and crush the leftovers.
    • Apply a thin coat to the sides of the puff pastry sheet and stick the leftovers. Then place it on top of our financier topped with hazelnut namelaka.
    • Finally, brush laminated apples with neutral glaze and decorate the edges of the puff pastry sheet with more hazelnut namelaka.
    • Keep it refrigerated and leave to room temperature for 15 minutes before serving.
    Hazelnut financier
  • 185 gr. egg whites (5)
  • 150 gr. hazelnuts
  • 150 gr. butter
  • 60 gr. all purpose flour
  • 50 gr. white sugar
  • 50 gr. cane or brown sugar
  • 3 gr. salt
    Hazelnut namelaka
  • 400 gr. heavy cream (35% fat)
  • 200 gr. white chocolate
  • 200 gr. hazelnut milk
  • 150 gr. hazelnut
  • 10 gr. glucose
  • 6 gr. gelatinee
    Apple filling
  • 400 gr. Grand Smith apples (4)
  • 100 gr. apple jam (optional)
  • 60 gr. white sugar
  • 2 gr. vanilla
  • 2 gr. cinamon
    Puff pastry and roasted apples
  • 260 gr. butter puff pastry
  • 200 gr. apples (1-2)
  • 40 gr. butter
  • 2 gr. vanilla
  • 2 gr. cinamon