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Linzer Torte

The history of Linzer torte

Classic tart combining buttery shortbread, hazelnuts and cinnamon with a delicious raspberry and redcurrant jam.

The Linzer Torte originates from the city of Linz in Upper Austria. Its precise origin is challenging to pinpoint due to its age, but it's believed to date back to the 17th century or even earlier. Linz was a significant cultural and trading hub in Europe, potentially contributing to the spread of the recipe.

The Linzer Torte has become a symbol of Austrian pastry and is considered a traditional element in the culinary culture of the region. Its distinctive lattice design on top is an iconic feature that sets it apart from other tarts.

Originally, the Linzer Torte was made with hazelnut flour and filled with currant jam. As ingredients became more accessible and varied, ground almonds started being used in the crust, and red fruit jam became the more common filling.

Linzer Torte

The popularity of the Linzer Torte transcended Austria's borders throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries. The recipe traveled across Europe and reached different countries, adapting to local tastes and traditions. While it mostly retained its form and essence, it's interesting to observe how each region might have influenced how the Linzer Torte is prepared and enjoyed around the world.

In summary, the Linzer Torte originated in the historic city of Linz, Austria, and has evolved over the centuries to become a delightful and cherished specialty of international pastry. Its culinary legacy lives on today, celebrating tradition and creativity in the kitchen.