Welcome to La Pâtisserie du Monde!
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¡Bienvenido/a a La Pâtisserie du Monde!
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12 servings


  • 80 gr. whole outmeal
  • 60 gr. honey
  • 40 gr. chopped hazelnuts
  • 40 gr. chopped almonds
  • 40 gr. butter
  • 30 gr. cacao nibs
  • 20 gr. poppy seeds
  • 15 gr. cocoa powder
  • 15 gr. dark chocolate (70%)
  • 1 gr. salt

Chocolate cheesecream

  • 700 gr. creamcheese
  • 300 gr. dark chocolate (70%)
  • 150 gr. powdered sugar
  • 100 gr. sourcream or crème fraiche
  • 100 gr. heavy cream (35% fat)
  • 100 gr. whole milk
  • 30 gr. kirsch or raspberry licor
  • 5 gr. vanilla

Raspberry jelly

  • 200 gr. raspberry puree
  • 90 gr. white sugar
  • 5 gr. agar-agar


  • 150 gr. fresh raspberries
  • Dark chocolate pearls
raspberry-4 cocoa-2
Welcome to La Pâtisserie du Monde!
Browse in the English version
¡Bienvenido/a a La Pâtisserie du Monde!
Navegar en la versión en Español
Prep. time
  1. Granola
    • 80 gr. whole outmeal
    • 60 gr. honey
    • 40 gr. chopped hazelnuts
    • 40 gr. chopped almonds
    • 40 gr. butter
    • 30 gr. cacao nibs
    • 20 gr. poppy seeds
    • 15 gr. cocoa powder
    • 15 gr. dark chocolate (70%)
    • 1 gr. salt

    • In a bowl, combine outmeal, chopped almonds, chopped hazelnuts, cocoa nibs, poppy seeds, cocoa powder and salt.
    • In another bowl, melt chocolate and butter and then add honey. Pour it into the previous mixture and mix well.
    • Later, place a 20 cm. diameter metalic ring on a tray lined with parchment and spread the granola evenly over the surface.
    • Bake for 10 minutes at 180º C and set aside.
  2. Chocolate creamcheese
    • 700 gr. creamcheese
    • 300 gr. dark chocolate (70%)
    • 150 gr. powdered sugar
    • 100 gr. sourcream or crème fraiche
    • 100 gr. heavy cream (35% fat)
    • 100 gr. whole milk
    • 30 gr. kirsch or raspberry licor
    • 5 gr. vanilla

    • In a bowl, cream cheese with powdered sugar.
    • Afterwards, add vanilla and sourcream or crème fraiche and combine.
    • Then, bring heavy cream and milk to a boil and pour it over the melted dark chocolate. Blend it all together with a hand mixer and let it sit to cool to 28º C.
    • When the the ganache has reached 28º C add the kirsch or raspberry licor and combine with the creamcheese mixture until it turns homogenous and flat.
    • Lastly, transfer the batter into a 20 cm. diameter and 5 cm. height metalic ring with acetate placed on a tray. Flat the top with a spatula.
    • Freeze the cake for at least 4 hours or better, overnight.
  3. Raspberry jelly
    • 200 gr. raspberry puree
    • 90 gr. white sugar
    • 5 gr. agar-agar

    • First, mix agar-agar and sugar.
    • In a saucepan, bring raspberry puree to a boil.
    • Then, add the agar-agar sugar mixture and stir with a whisk until completely disolved.
    • Lastly, cook 2 more minutes and turn the heat off. Set aside.
  4. Assembly
    • 150 gr. fresh raspberries
    • Dark chocolate pearls

    • Reheat raspberry jelly to 40º C.
    • Right after, pour it on top of the frozen chocolate cheesecream mixture and distribute evenly.
    • Afterwards, place it back into the freezer for 20 more minutes.
    • Then, unmould the cake and place it on top of the granola disc.
    • Now, arrange some fresh raspberries arround the border of the cake and add some dark chocolate pearls.
    • And last but not least, let the cake unfreeze completely in the fridge for at least 4 hours.
    • Keep refrigerated until ready to use and leave at room temperature for 20 minutes before serving.
  • 80 gr. whole outmeal
  • 60 gr. honey
  • 40 gr. chopped hazelnuts
  • 40 gr. chopped almonds
  • 40 gr. butter
  • 30 gr. cacao nibs
  • 20 gr. poppy seeds
  • 15 gr. cocoa powder
  • 15 gr. dark chocolate (70%)
  • 1 gr. salt
    Chocolate creamcheese
  • 700 gr. creamcheese
  • 300 gr. dark chocolate (70%)
  • 150 gr. powdered sugar
  • 100 gr. sourcream or crème fraiche
  • 100 gr. heavy cream (35% fat)
  • 100 gr. whole milk
  • 30 gr. kirsch or raspberry licor
  • 5 gr. vanilla
    Raspberry jelly
  • 200 gr. raspberry puree
  • 90 gr. white sugar
  • 5 gr. agar-agar
  • 150 gr. fresh raspberries
  • Dark chocolate pearls