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The history of Stollen

Aromatic and delicious german christmas sweet bread packed with nuts, candied fruits and hints of anis and cinnamon.

The Stollen is a delicious fruit bread originating from Germany, and it has a rich history dating back several centuries. It is believed to have originated in the city of Dresden, in the region of Saxony, in eastern Germany.

The history of Stollen dates back to the 14th century. Originally, it was prepared as a bread without butter or sugar, due to the restrictions imposed by the church during Advent and Christmas time, where the use of butter and dairy products was not allowed.

Over time, the restrictions were relaxed, and the Stollen evolved to include more indulgent ingredients such as butter, sugar, and dried fruits. Throughout the centuries, it became a traditional Christmas treat and an important part of the celebrations in the Dresden region.


The Stollen originally had a flatter and longer shape, resembling the depiction of a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, symbolizing the Baby Jesus. It was prepared in large quantities and offered as a gift during religious festivities and significant events.

Today, the Stollen remains a beloved part of Christmas celebrations in Germany and many other parts of the world. It is made with a rich and dense dough that includes dried fruits, candied orange and lemon peel, nuts, and spices, and it is usually covered with powdered sugar. The traditional Stollen recipe has been passed down through generations and continues to be enjoyed as a cherished holiday delicacy.