Welcome to La Pâtisserie du Monde!
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¡Bienvenido/a a La Pâtisserie du Monde!
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4 loaves

Marinated candied fruit and mixed nuts

  • 120 gr. almonds
  • 80 gr. hazelnuts
  • 80 gr. pecans
  • 60 gr. walnuts
  • 60 gr. pistachios
  • 120 gr. dry raisings
  • 100 gr. dry cranberries
  • 60 gr. candied orange
  • 60 gr. candied lemon
  • 60 gr. cane or brown sugar
  • 125 gr. kirsch or cherry licor
  • 125 gr. rum


  • 500 gr. ground almond
  • 500 gr. white sugar
  • 250 gr. water
  • 75 gr. honey
  • 50 gr. glucose

Stollen dough

  • 250 gr. strong or bread flour
  • 250 gr. all purpose flour
  • 225 gr. butter
  • 150 gr. eggs (3)
  • 125 gr. whole milk
  • 60 gr. white sugar
  • 40 gr. honey
  • 40 gr. egg yolk (2)
  • 30 gr. fresh yeast
  • 10 gr. salt
  • 5 gr. ground cinnamon
  • 5 gr. vanilla
  • 3 gr. ground star anis


  • 50 gr. powdered sugar
  • 50 gr. melted butter
nuts-1 spices-2
Welcome to La Pâtisserie du Monde!
Browse in the English version
¡Bienvenido/a a La Pâtisserie du Monde!
Navegar en la versión en Español
Prep. time
1h 30m
  1. Marinated candied fruit and mixed nuts
    • 120 gr. almonds
    • 80 gr. hazelnuts
    • 80 gr. pecans
    • 60 gr. walnuts
    • 60 gr. pistachios
    • 120 gr. dry raisings
    • 100 gr. dry cranberries
    • 60 gr. candied orange
    • 60 gr. candied lemon
    • 60 gr. cane or brown sugar
    • 125 gr. kirsch or cherry licor
    • 125 gr. rum

    • We will prepare this step in advance, around 2 - 3 weeks before the baking step.
    • On a tray, spread all mixed nuts and roast them for 15 minutes at 150º C.
    • Meanwhile, on a cutting board, dice our candied orange and lemon.
    • In a saucepan, mix the two alcohols with the sugar. Warm up at medium heat until the sugar is disolved. Cover with a lid and set aside.
    • Roughly chop the mixed nuts and in a bowl, combine them with candied fruits, raisings and dry cranberries. Then, pour the hot alcohol mixture over it and stir well.
    • Keep refrigerated for at least 2 weeks and stir the mixture every one or two days to make sure every nut and piece of candied fruit gets soaked in the alcohol mixture.
  2. Marzipan
    • 500 gr. ground almond
    • 500 gr. white sugar
    • 250 gr. water
    • 75 gr. honey
    • 50 gr. glucose

    • In a saucepan, mix glucose, water and sugar and cook until the mixture reaches 118º C.
    • Right after, in a stand mixer, place the ground almond in the bowl and pour the hot syrup in a thin stream into the bowl as it beats at low speed.
    • Afterwards, add the honey and increase to medium speed. Beat for around 5 minutes.
    • Transfer the almond paste onto a working surface and work it out to cool it down and shape it into a log.
    • Wrap it up in plastic wrap and keep it chill until ready to use.
  3. Stollen dough
    • 250 gr. strong or bread flour
    • 250 gr. all purpose flour
    • 225 gr. butter
    • 150 gr. eggs (3)
    • 125 gr. whole milk
    • 60 gr. white sugar
    • 40 gr. honey
    • 40 gr. egg yolk (2)
    • 30 gr. fresh yeast
    • 10 gr. salt
    • 5 gr. ground cinnamon
    • 5 gr. vanilla
    • 3 gr. ground star anis

    • In a bowl, mix milk, eggs, egg yolks, sugar, honey, salt, spices, yeast and the two flours until combined.
    • From that moment, in a stand mixer, knead the dough at medium speed for 15 minutes or until the dough does not stick to the bowl and it becomes shinny and elastic.
    • At that point, add the chill butter in small chuncks in three times and knead for another 10 minutes.
    • Then, add in the drained marinated candied fruit and nuts and integrate well.
    • Finally, let the dough proof at room temperature until double in size, for around 2 hours.
  4. Assembly
    • 50 gr. powdered sugar
    • 50 gr. melted butter

    • First, transfer the dough onto a working surface, deflate and divide it into four equal portions.
    • Then, stretch each portion of dough into a 28 cm. x 15 cm. oval.
    • Now, divide the almond paste log into four equal portions and roll them out into smaller 25 cm. long logs.
    • Afterwards, place each almond paste log in the center of each oval dough and fold them over, sealing them with a bit of water.
    • Let them proof at room temperature for 2 hours.
    • After proofing, bake them at 180º C for 30 minutes.
    • Let them cool down to room temperature and generously brush with melted butter and dust powdered sugar.
    • Finally, wrap them in parchment first and later in plastic wrap. Optionally you can then wrap them in gift wrap paper to give away.
    • Last but not least, let them mature for two weeks in a dry and chill place before eating. I know it is hard but this step is important :-)
    Marinated candied fruit and mixed nuts
  • 120 gr. almonds
  • 80 gr. hazelnuts
  • 80 gr. pecans
  • 60 gr. walnuts
  • 60 gr. pistachios
  • 120 gr. dry raisings
  • 100 gr. dry cranberries
  • 60 gr. candied orange
  • 60 gr. candied lemon
  • 60 gr. cane or brown sugar
  • 125 gr. kirsch or cherry licor
  • 125 gr. rum
  • 500 gr. ground almond
  • 500 gr. white sugar
  • 250 gr. water
  • 75 gr. honey
  • 50 gr. glucose
    Stollen dough
  • 250 gr. strong or bread flour
  • 250 gr. all purpose flour
  • 225 gr. butter
  • 150 gr. eggs (3)
  • 125 gr. whole milk
  • 60 gr. white sugar
  • 40 gr. honey
  • 40 gr. egg yolk (2)
  • 30 gr. fresh yeast
  • 10 gr. salt
  • 5 gr. ground cinnamon
  • 5 gr. vanilla
  • 3 gr. ground star anis
  • 50 gr. powdered sugar
  • 50 gr. melted butter