Welcome to La PĆ¢tisserie du Monde!
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Ā”Bienvenido/a a La PĆ¢tisserie du Monde!
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8 servings


  • 100 gr. all purpose flour
  • 75 gr. butter
  • 50 gr. ground almond
  • 50 gr. cane or brown sugar
  • 30 gr. egg yolks (2)
  • 7 gr. baking powder
  • 2 gr. salt

Peanut and caramel filling

  • 160 gr. heavy cream (35% fat)
  • 100 gr. peeled and roasted peanuts
  • 80 gr. glucose
  • 80 gr. white sugar
  • 55 gr. butter

Chocolate coating

  • 180 gr. milk chocolate (43%)
  • 30 gr. sunflower or nuetral oil
peanut-3 cocoa-3
Welcome to La PĆ¢tisserie du Monde!
Browse in the English version
Ā”Bienvenido/a a La PĆ¢tisserie du Monde!
Navegar en la versiĆ³n en EspaƱol
Prep. time
  1. Biscuit
    • 100 gr. all purpose flour
    • 75 gr. butter
    • 50 gr. ground almond
    • 50 gr. cane or brown sugar
    • 30 gr. egg yolks (2)
    • 7 gr. baking powder
    • 2 gr. salt

    • In a bowl, mix the butter at room temperature with the sugar. Then add the salt and the egg yolks.
    • Then sift the flour and the baking powder and add in two times. Finally add the ground almonds. Mix together.
    • Wrap the dough in cling film and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.
    • Meanwhile, on a baking tray lined with baking paper, draw a rectangle slightly larger than the base of our 23 x 6 cm baking tin.
    • Take the dough out of the refrigerator and smooth it out to cover the area drawn on the baking paper to a thickness of about 1 cm.
    • While preheating the oven to 180Āŗ C, put the dough in the fridge. Bake for 25 minutes.
    • Leave to cool and set aside at room temperature until ready to use.
  2. Peanut and caramel filling
    • 160 gr. heavy cream (35% fat)
    • 100 gr. peeled and roasted peanuts
    • 80 gr. glucose
    • 80 gr. white sugar
    • 55 gr. butter

    • Start by hydrating the gelatine in cold water for about 10 minutes.
    • In a saucepan, heat the cream and glucose over medium heat until it comes to the boil.
    • Meanwhile, in a frying pan, cook the sugar over medium heat until it turns a deep amber caramel.
    • Then add the hot cream and glucose in a thin trickle and stir with the whisk. Some smoke will form, this is normal.
    • Cook for 2-3 minutes until the mixture is smooth, no longer smoky and slightly thickened.
    • Turn off the heat and let it cool slightly to 50Āŗ C.
    • Then add the chopped butter and process with a hand blender. Add the chopped peanuts and transfer to a bowl. Set aside until use.
  3. Chocolate coating
    • 180 gr. milk chocolate (43%)
    • 30 gr. sunflower or nuetral oil

    • Start by melting the chocolate in a bain-marie or in the microwave in short batches at low power, making sure not to burn the chocolate.
    • Then add the oil and stir in with a spatula.
    • Set aside.
  4. Assembly

    • Cut out the biscuit to fit our 23 x 6 x 6 cm mould.
    • Line the mould with baking paper and pour our peanut and caramel filling into it, smoothing it out with a spoon or spatula.
    • Then place the biscuit on top and press down lightly so that there is no air between the biscuit and the filling.
    • Now freeze the cake for at least 4 hours, ideally overnight.
    • Once the caramel has hardened, reheat our chocolate coating to 38Ā° C.
    • Then place our frozen cake on a wire rack and cover it with the chocolate coating.
    • Allow to thaw completely and store in the refrigerator until ready to eat. Leave at room temperature for about 15 minutes before serving.
  • 100 gr. all purpose flour
  • 75 gr. butter
  • 50 gr. ground almond
  • 50 gr. cane or brown sugar
  • 30 gr. egg yolks (2)
  • 7 gr. baking powder
  • 2 gr. salt
    Peanut and caramel filling
  • 160 gr. heavy cream (35% fat)
  • 100 gr. peeled and roasted peanuts
  • 80 gr. glucose
  • 80 gr. white sugar
  • 55 gr. butter
    Chocolate coating
  • 180 gr. milk chocolate (43%)
  • 30 gr. sunflower or nuetral oil